Time to Grow: 7 Small Business Hacks to Get to the Next Level

Believe it or not, there are more than 28.8 million small businesses up and running in the United States. And each company, no matter what industry they're in, has a shared goal: to grow their business.

It's easier said than done, though. And when you're juggling operating costs, managerial tasks, and administrative procedures, finding time to implement growth tactics is tough.

But there are a few simple business hacks you can use to grow your company without putting a strain on your already busy schedule. Here are a few of the top hacks every business should use.


1. Make Use of Social Media

You know that having a good website is one of the most important things you can do for your business. But did you know that having an active social media presence is just as vital for your success?

The average person spends more than 11 hours a day interacting with different forms of media with most of that time spent online. And it should come as no surprise that most people rely on social media networks like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for information.

Through those networks, people pass on recommendations, share experiences with companies, and post reviews. And if you don't have an active social media presence, you're missing out on a lot of potential traffic.

Start building up your social media accounts. Encourage customers and clients to share their reviews of your services online, and take the time to engage with others when they post about your company.

Showing that you're responsive is a great way to set your business apart from the competition.

2. Get Customer Feedback

As soon as you have your first customer, you have someone who is capable of reviewing your services or products. Use their reviews to your advantage.

Ask your customers what they like, what you can do better, and what they wish was completely different. Use their feedback to improve your company and your services.

You'll get first-hand insight into what your clients really want and also show them that you're interested in better meeting their needs. This can go a long way towards encouraging your clients to use your business again.

After all, if you care enough to get their feedback, you care enough to do a great job time and time again. The more your customers trust you, the more likely they are to recommend your services to others.

3. Stop Focusing on Perfection

It's easy to get caught up in making things perfect. But have you considered that your perfectionism might hinder your company's growth?

Sometimes, you have to compromise. Do your best, but don't hold off on releasing a product or service until it's completely flawless.

You'll always find something that needs improvement. And if you wait until things are completely perfect, you'll be waiting for years.

4. Network, Network, Network

Networking may not be a priority for many business owners, but it's one of the best ways to grow your company without investing money upfront. In fact, all it takes is a bit of time.

Get involved in your local chamber of commerce, volunteer for local charities and organizations, and get your name out there.

The more you network by helping others in the community, the better. When people need a company that offers your services, they'll remember your name first.

5. Create a Good Long-Term Marketing Strategy

Organic results are always better than relying on paid ads alone. Create a good marketing strategy that will help your business grow in the long-term.

This means building a responsive website with optimized content on each page. You'll also want to offer content your customers and clients will find interesting and useful.

The best place to start is by thinking about the types of questions your clients ask. Use these questions as topics to address on social media, through instructional videos, or informative blog posts.

And always make sure to design your content to reach your target customers. Start researching more about search engine optimization and implement strategies to make your site stand out from the competition.

6. Promote from Within

Hiring new employees is expensive and time-consuming. Not only do you have to add them to your company's payroll, but you also have to get them trained in your processes.

Worse, it can cause some feelings of resentment with your current team.

Whenever possible, try to promote your existing team members before opening the search to external candidates. Internal promotions create more satisfied team members who will be more loyal to your company and more determined to do a great job.

The same concept holds true to expanding your service offerings and departments. Hire from your existing team members and you'll decrease frustrations and overhead expenses.

Remember, your current team knows what your company stands for. They'll help you maintain your values while encouraging new growth as soon as they move to a new department.

7. Ask for Help

Your employees are your greatest asset. Use that to your advantage.

If you're struggling to make improvements or increase sales, ask for their advice. Your team sees different sides of the business than you do. And they'll likely know more of what your customers are actively looking for.

Just remember to take action once you get their advice. Remember, they're recommending things for a reason. And it might just save you money and simplify your business in the process.

Try These Small Business Hacks Now

These are just a few of the top small business hacks to help you grow your company quickly and sustainably. But every company is different.

This means you may need to tweak these hacks to get them to work for you. Use your imagination and be patient. Good things will happen, but it might take a bit longer than you thought. Remember, slow growth is still growth.

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