How to Send An Uber Targeted Mobile Campaign

Are you getting ready to launch a mobile campaign to send to prospective clients? Read this article to learn how to implement your ad campaign effectively.


With most small businesses spending an average of $75,000 a year on digital marketing, clients want their dollars to be spent intelligently. With a majority of web browsing being done on mobile devices, you're smart to design a mobile campaign. Now how do you implement that ad campaign?

Mobile advertising reaches customers wherever they are. Since most mobile device owners don't leave the house without their device, your ads can be in their pocket wherever they go. This means that a well-targeted campaign can be effective 24/7, catering to your clients' every move.

Before you send your campaign to your clients, you should make sure that you've outfitted it with every element relevant to today's mobile users. Follow these 5 tips to ensure that your mobile campaign hits a bullseye every time.

1. Use Geotargeting

The number one way to target your mobile campaign is to use geographical data gathered from users' mobile devices. If you have multiple locations, the data collected by service providers and wi-fi connections can tell you where your customers are located.

With geo targeted data, you can offer promotions and discounts that target customers exactly where they are.

Many mobile apps use location services even while users are on other apps. If you connect your mobile campaign to the right app, you'll be able to target your ads to the location where a user is engaging that app.

That ad combined with the engagement from the app that the user is on will create a compounded engagement effect. Brand awareness, while a user is on an app they enjoy, will turn into a level of trust.

Geotargeting them at the places where they spend the most time will give you an additional layer of engagement. Your brand will become part of that daily routine that makes up their life. When customers can identify a brand with their lifestyle, they become lifelong converts.

2. Use Geofencing

Once your customers are in an area around a specific shop or any place of interest, you can serve them ads specific to that location. This allows your mobile campaign to have resonance specific to the kinds of activities that take place near that area.

If your company makes dog food, you find a popular dog sitter service in your area and have mobile ads for your dog food when people are nearby.

Ideas can vary depending on the goods and services that your company offers. If you have something that contributes to health and wellness, you might want your products targeting people who are walking a nature path.

Think broadly about the ways that you can engage your customers around areas that have to do with your product. Even a loose connection to the location can have a strong impact if your brand is useful in contributing to the experience customers are having at that location.

3. Try SMS Geotargeting

If you've been able to sign customers on to your opt-in texting service, you need to use their information with care. Most consumers will consider it a privilege that you have their phone number in the first place.

If you ping them too often, they'll be quick to opt out of your SMS service. After you register your company with a text messaging service for business, you need to make sure that company also respects your customers' data.

Through SMS, you can announce an event or promotion specific to customers who are near a certain location. Because you need to use SMS marketing carefully, sending out a targeted mobile campaign allows you to hit a few customers rather than spamming them all.

Targeting customers who are near one of your locations or a business that sells your products can get nearby customers to purchase something from your brand. Direct customers to your online store or send them a coupon with a close expiration date you could see your response rate jump up.

4. Try Geo-Conquesting

Geo-conquesting doesn't mean your team will be hopping into a jeep and crashing into a rival brand's store. It's a way of presenting customers of your rival brands with an option that they may not have considered before.

By targeting your mobile campaign toward customers who are visiting a rival business location, you can start winning customers who like products like yours.

Whether you have physical locations or not, you can find creative ways to perform geo-conquesting. If there's a grocery store that is running a big promotion for a rival business's products, run your own promotion directly to customers' SMS.

Send a better deal or offer them a higher quantity of product for the same price and your competitor might have to start offering their product at a loss. Otherwise, they might have to find new territory to sell their products in.

5. Use Location-Specific Keywords

Your uber targeted mobile campaign isn't confined to the physical world. You can take it to the online world by using keywords that are specific to your products. When potential customers search for online content they'll see your brand.

You can advertise on social media, blogs, and other sites by seeing which results come up for online searches about products like yours in a given location. Do some research and you might find that there's a small brand that has cornered the market.

Search for "Best Bagel Shop In Tampa" and you might find the perfect partner for placing ads about your brand of toasters.

A Targeted Mobile Campaign Is a Successful One

In order to reach the highest number of customers in the most impactful way, you need targeting. It can be costly to spread your ads to every corner of the internet. A targeted campaign will save money and give you a powerful ROI.

If you're looking for more ideas on how to perfectly target your next mobile campaign, contact us today for even more tips.